
# Enter credentials
$cred = Get-Credential
# Establish Session using explicit credentials
$machine1 = New-PSSession -ComputerName machine1 -Credential $cred
# Establish Session using current user's credentials
$machine1 = New-PSSession -ComputerName machine1
# Enter Interactive Session
Enter-PSSession -Session $machine1
# Remove Session
Remove-PSSession -Session $machine1

Acquiring Files From Remote Machine

# copy file
Copy-Item -FromSession $machine1 C:\Windows\Temp\interesting.dll -Destination D:\cases\1\artifacts\
# copy directory
# issue: does not copy hidden files
Copy-Item  -FromSession $machine1 -Path "C:\Windows\Temp" -Destination "D:\cases\1\artifacts\windows\temp\" -Recurse

Copy Tools to Remote Machine

# Create folder
Invoke-Command -Session $machine1 -ScriptBlock {mkdir C:\tools}
# Copy tools
Copy-Item .\rule.yar -Destination "C:\tools\" -ToSession $machine1
Copy-Item .\yara64.exe -Destination "C:\tools\" -ToSession $machine1
Copy-Item .\autorunsc64.exe -Destination "C:\tools\" -ToSession $machine1

Execute Commands on Multiple Machines

Invoke-Command -Session $machine1,$machine2 -ScriptBlock {whoami}

Operation on Files and Folders

Create Archive

# fails if it tries to archive files being used
# maybe push and use 7zip?
Compress-Archive -Path 'C:\Windows\Temp' -DestinationPath "D:\cases\1\artifacts\"

Modify File Attributes

# remove hidden
(get-item "file.exe" -force).Attributes -= 'Hidden'
# remove readonly
(get-item "file.exe" -force).Attributes -= 'ReadOnly'

Get Directory Size

Get-ChildItem C:\folder\ | Measure-Object -Property Length -sum
gci C:\folder | Measure-Object -Property Length -sum

Grep File Contents

Get-ChildItem -Path 'DIRECTORY' -Recurse | Select-String "STRING"
gci -Path 'DIRECTORY' -Recurse | Select-String "STRING"

Grep File and Folder Names

# Show all files with names ending with .exe
gci -Path 'C:\Temp' -Filter *.exe
# Show me all files and folders with name containing "sep" in the current directory
gci -Filter *sep*
# ls works as well
ls -Filter *sep*
# Recursively
ls -Filter *sep* -Recurse

Useful Commands\Misc

# check cpu utilization
(Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor).LoadPercentage
# Check Windows OS
(Get-WMIObject win32_operatingsystem).name
# Show logged in users
query user /server:$SERVER